European Endoscopy Paediatric Summer School

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We ran the European Endoscopy Paediatric Summer School in Sheffield last week and we had people from 25 different countries coming to train with us from as far a field as Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, United States, Hong Kong and Singapore and it was a fantastic experience for all concerned. We had cases beamed in from Boston Children’s Hospital, Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome and Basel Children’s Hospital in Switzerland, and we also had some live cases in Sheffield. We had fantastic faculty, again from all over the world, and it really was a showpiece for what can be achieved in the UK in Paediatrics. The National Training Centre of Paediatric Endoscopy Training, which I run in Sheffield, was exhibited in its greatest light and it was a great experience for all concerned. We managed to teach people endoscopy therapy on animal models on the last day of the course. We are hoping to repeat this next year.

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